How to Prevent Your Dog Doorbell from Being Chewed

A dog doorbell, also known as a “doggy doorbell,” is a useful device that allows your dog to signal when it needs to go outside or come back inside. However, if your dog is prone to chewing, the doorbell can become a tempting targetIn this article, we will discuss some effective strategies to prevent your dog from chewing on the doorbell.

Understanding the issue

Before addressing the problem, it’s essential to understand why dogs chew on things. Dogs may chew out of boredom, anxiety, teething, or simply as a way to explore the world around them. Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, and it’s essential to provide appropriate outlets for this instinct.

Preventive Measures

Here are the measures:

Choose a durable dog doorbell

Start by selecting a dog doorbell made of sturdy and durable materials. Look for one that is specifically designed to withstand a dog’s chewing tendencies. Reinforced plastic or metal materials are often a better choice than flimsy options.

Proper Installation

Ensure that you install the dog doorbell correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A securely mounted doorbell is less likely to become a target for your dog’s chewing habits.

Supervision and Training

Whenever your dog shows interest in the doorbell, supervise them closely. Correct any attempts to chew on it immediately, and redirect their attention to appropriate toys or activities. Consistent training can help your dog understand that the doorbell is off-limits.

Provide Chewing Alternatives

To satisfy your dog’s natural urge to chew, provide a variety of safe and engaging chew toys. Toys designed for teething puppies or durable rubber toys can be excellent choices. Make these toys more appealing than the doorbell.

Bitter Apple Spray

Bitter apple spray is a pet-safe deterrent that can be applied to the dog doorbell. Most dogs dislike the taste, so they will be less inclined to chew on it. Follow the product’s instructions and reapply as needed.

Positive Reinforcement

Reward your dog when they show appropriate behavior around the doorbell. Use treats and praise to reinforce the idea that leaving the doorbell alone results in positive outcomes.

Exercise and mental stimulation

A well-exercised and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to engage in destructive behaviors like chewing. Ensure your dog gets plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation through walks, playtime, and puzzle toys.

Consult a professional

If your dog’s chewing behavior persists despite your efforts, consider seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian. They can provide tailored advice to address your dog’s specific needs and behavior.


Preventing your dog from chewing on the dog doorbell requires patience, consistency, and the right approach. By selecting a durable doorbell, providing proper supervision and training, offering alternative chewing options, and using safe deterrents when necessary, you can help your dog break the habit of chewing on the doorbell.

Remember that a well-exercised and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to engage in destructive behaviors, so a holistic approach to your dog’s well-being is key. With time and effort, your dog can learn to respect the doorbell and use it for its intended purpose—signaling when it needs to go outside or come back inside.



Armand loves sports. He is an avid fan of the Lakers, and he cheers for them every chance he gets. Conrad also likes to stay active, and enjoys playing basketball and running. He is in great shape, and his athleticism is impressive.

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