Top Hair Extension Accessories to Enhance Look

Extensions are one of the most common ways of lengthening, thickening, and diversifying hair, but there is more to the extension than hair only. The right accessories can improve the appearance of the extensions, make their management easier, and guarantee that they remain perfect. For beginners and experts in blonde clip in hair extensions application, these top hair extension accessories can enhance one’s look.

Extension-Friendly Brushes and Combs

A factor that is associated with hair extension is the kind of brush or comb to be used when taking care of the hair. Clip-ins and tape-ins are both easy to tangle and get damaged if not handled carefully and the same is the case with wefts. Brushing the extensions with stiff bristles may put pressure on the extensions and this may lead to breaking off of the extensions or even the weakening of the bond. Extension-friendly brushes, or loop brushes, have been developed for extensions. They have round and soft bristles that do not scratch the bonds or hair each time they are run on the hair. Another useful item that should be used to comb hair especially when wet is a wide-tooth comb.

Heat Protectant Sprays

Heat styling is a popular procedure in hair treatment and it involves curling, straightening, and blow-drying. Similar to natural hair, hair extensions also can be damaged by heat. Among the hair accessories that should not be lacking in the hair care regimen are heat protectant sprays for the protection of the extensions as well as the natural hair. These sprays form a shield that prevents the hair from coming into contact with heat that makes the hair break as well as keeping the extensions shiny and free from tangles. Before using any heated tool on the hair, it is recommended that one should use a heat protectant since the extension can be treated like natural hair especially if it is made from real human hair.

Hair Extension Storage Bags

The implication of this is that clip-in extensions should not be tangled but well looked after. Therefore, clip-in hair extension bags are designed in such a way that the hair extension cannot slip through them, while at the same time, the bag protects these extensions from dust and tangles, among other forms of damage. Most of these bags have a hanger where the extensions can be hung in the closet and this makes them retain their shape and quality for the next use. Besides making extensions look new, proper storage also helps in their longevity hence the user does not have to replace them too often.

Styling Clips

In both home and salon applications, it is important to ensure that the natural hair is well parted to avoid mixing with the extension hair. Styling clips assist in sectioning the hair, this makes it easier to blend the extensions with natural hair. These clips are available in different shapes and sizes including crocodile clips and simple metal alligator clips and they are useful in holding the hair during application. For anyone who enjoys experimenting with different styles or layering extensions, styling clips are an essential tool to ensure a clean and professional finish.

Detangling Sprays

Similar to natural hair, hair extensions also tangle and this is most likely to happen after washing or styling. A good detangling spray is also important when brushing through natural hair and extensions since it assists in detangling them. These are used on the hair so that one can be able to comb it without pulling it or causing any harm to it. Other detangling sprays also contain vitamins and oils which are essential for the hair and they also assist in making the hair healthy. One should apply a detangling spray before combing so that one does not apply extra pressure on the extensions and hence enhance their longevity.

Hair Extension Adhesive Removers

It is also important for those who have put the tape-in extensions to know how to do it correctly. Hair extension adhesive removers are products that are expected to dissolve the adhesive used in the tape in hair extensions so that the process of removing the extensions will not affect the extensions, natural hair, or both. Selecting the appropriate adhesive remover ensures that hair is not pulled or tugged on hence resulting in damage. It is always wise to have this accessory around especially when it comes to the time of removing or repositioning tape in extensions.


The accessories used in hair extensions are crucial in determining the appearance of the hair as well as the type of treatment that the hair will require. Some of these are brushes meant for hair extension, heat protectant sprays, and bags and travel cases meant for the improvement of the condition of the hair extension and ease of the styling process. Purchasing these accessories also helps in the maintenance of the extensions as well as making them appear and feel as good as new every day.



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